Maple Investments

Shiba Inu Price CAD & Updates


0.76% (24H)
  • Market Cap C$14,092,603,401.12
  • Volume C$409,991,785.47
  • Available Supply N/A SHIB
  • ATH C$0.0001207
  • ATH(% Change) -80.19%
  • ATH Date 2021-10-28

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Date Price Volume MarketCap

Shiba Inu price in Canadian Dollars is C$0.00002392. It has a marketcap of C$14,092,603,401.12. Shiba Inu price prediction, news & update.

About Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a decentralized cryptocurrency created by an anonymous individual or group known as Ryoshi. This cryptocurrency is also known as a meme coin or dog coin due to its logo featuring the Shiba Inu dog. Despite its origins as a meme, Shiba Inu has developed into a full-fledged ecosystem with various projects. The SHIB token is an ERC-20 token that allows for multiple functionalities, including participation in DeFi (Decentralized Finance) activities such as staking, lending, and swapping on decentralized exchanges.

What makes Shiba Inu different from other cryptocurrencies?

Shiba Inu is part of a vibrant and active ecosystem, including a decentralized exchange (ShibaSwap), an NFT art incubator, and other projects. These features make it different from other cryptocurrencies.

How can I buy Shiba Inu (SHIB)?

You can buy Shiba Inu (SHIB) on various cryptocurrency exchanges or P2P platforms by exchanging fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies for SHIB.

What is ShibaSwap?

ShibaSwap is Shiba Inu's decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows you to trade SHIB and other tokens, stake their assets, and earn rewards.

What are LEASH and BONE tokens?

LEASH and BONE are part of the Shiba Inu ecosystem. LEASH was initially a rebase token pegged to Dogecoin, but it has now been released from this peg. Meanwhile, BONE is a governance token that allows holders to vote on proposals within the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

What is Doggy DAO?

Doggy DAO is the decentralized autonomous organization governing the Shiba Inu ecosystem. BONE token holders can vote on proposals and decisions affecting the ecosystem's future.

What are the risks associated with Shiba Inu?

Investing in Shiba Inu carries several risks, such as high volatility, regulatory changes, and market manipulation. Its status as a meme coin can lead to sudden price changes based on social media trends and celebrity endorsements.

What are SHIB burns?

SHIB burns refer to the process of permanently removing SHIB tokens from circulation. This initiative reduces supply and potentially increases value.

Can I mine Shiba Inu (SHIB)?

No, you cannot mine SHIB. It is an ERC-20 token, which means it exists on the Ethereum blockchain and can only be obtained through trading or purchasing.

How does Shiba Inu support decentralized finance (DeFi)?

Shiba Inu contributes to the DeFi space through its ShibaSwap platform. It offers services like liquidity provision, staking, and an upcoming layer 2 solution called Shibarium.

What is the total supply of Shiba Inu tokens?

The total supply of SHIB tokens is initially set at 1 quadrillion.

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